
外贸动态 2年前 (2023) admin
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一、到所属区域工商局办理经营范围变更   材料:   法定代表人签署公司变更登记申请书   企业申请登记委托书   经办人身份证明 股东会决议   公司章程修正案   营业执照正副本   以上带原件   五个工作日后,可凭回执领取新的营业执照   二、到所属区域税务局办理税办登记证变更   材料:   填写税务变更登记表   营业执照副本复印件盖公章验原件   税务登记证正副本原件   法定代表人身份证   工商变更通知书   即日便可办理成功,领取新的税务登记证正副本。  备注:如果公司在注册时经营范围有“从事货物及技术进出口”范围的话,可省去上面两步骤,直接进入下面的办事流程   三、到贸工局办理备案登记   到贸工局网站上提交《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》,三个工作日后审核通过,打印出来,盖章签字,另携带以下资料领取对外贸易经营者备案登记表。  领取时资料: 组织机构代码证 、企业法人护照、营业执照副本及复印件 、委托书、委托人身份证明、外商投资企业批准证书及复印件(外商投资企业提供) 以上复印件盖公章验原件。  四、刻报关专用章   五、海关办理注册登记   六、办理电子口岸入网   七、市国税局办理进出口退税登记   八、检验检疫局报检备案   九、外汇管理局进口付汇备案   十、外汇管理局出口收汇备案


Export trade processes - to 2007-08-16 16:38 1. Receipt of order: XX Trade Company after the receipt of customer orders, customer orders should be translated into orders for the company; 2. Orders review: XX Company Trade Department is responsible for organizing the company, products, goods seized and the Department of the Ministry staff to carry out assessment of customer orders, the main assessment of issues, including product features and quality requirements, production capacity, packaging requirements and delivery dates; 3. The signing of sales contract: XX Trade Company in accordance with orders for the production of a sales contract offer, signed and sealed by the customer return the first, and then signed by the company official seal; 4. The preparation of export plans: XX company produces according to the Ministry of Trade, the preparation of the production plan the development of export plans, the production department if the change in production plans, the company shall promptly notify the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Trade in order to communicate with customers in time to change the situation of the export plan; 5. Order Tracking: XX company after the Ministry of Trade in the preparation of export plans, the need to actively track the production status of the production sector to ensure that the goods on time and accurately issued. If you have not delivered on time and situation, should be timely feedback to the customer information and make adjustments; 6. Set position: Production in communication with the company to confirm the delivery date, the Ministry of Trade should be delivered 5 days before the date of the quantity of goods in accordance with accounting as well as the volume of production orders set position and go to Room Department of trade arrangements for planning positions preparation issues. If we set positions, the need to delay shipment 2 days before the date of notice to plan accordingly Room freight forwarding and trade related issues arranged in a timely manner (such as write-off single, Deputy Customs power of attorney, such as通关单preparation and handling, etc.). Under normal circumstances, will be divided into the following positions to two situations: a) the designated agent: general provisions applicable to FOB price as well as some of the goods under the terms of CIF. If the designated agent, the Ministry of Trade will take XX companies communicate with customers in advance to confirm the designated agent for more information and to the planning room to the record trade statistics; b) Since the order on behalf of: generally applicable to the goods under the terms of CIF price. Cargo Room planning by the Trade and services based on market prices, choice, trade planning room XX responsible for notifying the company they selected the specific circumstances of freight forwarding; 7. Cargo shipment: XX Trade Company as set out in accordance with the container size and cargo tray arranged list of the actual situation and the implementation of the production department to the list. Production tray in the process of scheduling issues to be found in time to communicate with the trade reform. Pre-delivery, the Ministry of Trade to be the production of single-ship, from XX company signed inventory of stock to the warehouse manager. Inspection of goods for export, the trade needs to be prepared in advance corresponding inspection products packing list, invoices and contracts for the exports of goods before customs通关单for good; 8. Declaration: XX Trade Company prepared in accordance with the actual number of shipments, prepare declarations, according to (invoices, packing lists, declarations, etc.) to the trade after the planning room, stamping company declaration Chapter XX, chapter business, after the reunification of the signature s declaration; 9. Invoicing: Upon completion of the declaration, XX Trade Company will be stamped invoice to the customs officers opened the company's financial sales uniform invoice exports; 10. Negotiation information ready: After the shipment, XX Trade Company in accordance with the relevant data, as well as customer request for confirmation of the bill of lading and preparing customer bills of lading, certificate of origin, invoices, packing list, weight list, and other related insurance policy you pay information; 11. To pay a single: Trade is responsible for the planning room collected all negotiation documents, unified audit will be paid in accordance with the terms and requirements will be sent to the Stock Exchange or banks to pay a single; 12. Receivables: In accordance with the terms of the sales contract and the payment period, XX Trade Company should be paid to track the recovery situation in a timely manner to ensure the effective functioning of the follow-up. Rooms such as the time of payment not provided for timely reporting of the company in charge of the Ministry of Trade to be superior; 13. Write-off: trade, exports of goods in the planning room, are responsible for follow-up inquiries, the single-port electronic information, declarations and pay back to a single work, and electronic information points, as well as joint declaration of the export tax rebate to the company's financial Room XX prepare for refund procedures. In accordance with relevant state law, the company returned a single period of the general declaration for 3 months. XX Trade Company, and retired in accordance with single-back situation, the system will be in the write-off write-off of data related to the trade after the match into the planning room to write off procedures for foreign exchange bureau, the company is generally to write off period of 3-6 months; 14. Refund: written off after the completion of trade responsible for the planning room to write off a single export dedicated joint export tax rebate to the XX company's financial room for a tax rebate, exports of goods to complete the whole process.
2007-08-16 16:38
1. 接单:XX公司贸易部在接到客户订单后,须将客户订单转化为公司内部订单;
2. 订单评审:XX公司贸易部负责组织公司生产部、产品部及品检部相关人员对客户订单进行评审,主要评审事项包括产品功能和质量要求、生产能力、包装要求以及交货日期等;
3. 签订销售合同:XX公司贸易部根据订单报价制作销售合同,由客户首先签字盖章回传后,再由公司领导签字后加盖公章;
4. 编制出口计划:XX公司贸易部根据公司生产部编制的生产计划制定出口计划,生产部如果变更生产计划,须及时通知公司贸易部,以便贸易部及时与客户沟通出口计划变更情况;
5. 订单跟踪:XX公司贸易部在编制完出口计划后,需积极跟踪生产部门的生产状况以确保货物按时、准确地发出。如果遇到不能按时交货状况,须将信息及时反馈给客户并做出相应调整;
6. 订仓:在与公司生产部沟通确认交货日期后,贸易部应在交货日期前5日内根据核算的货物数量以及体积,制作订仓委托单并转到贸易策划室处安排订仓准备事宜。如果要取消订仓,需要在拖货日期前2天内通知相应货代及贸易策划室及时安排相关事宜(如核销单、代理报关委托书、通关单等的准备和办理等)。一般情况下,定仓分为如下两种情况:
a) 指定货代:一般适用于FOB价格条款以及部分CIF条款下货物。若为指定货代,则XX公司贸易部需事先与客户进行沟通,确认指定货代详细信息,并转贸易策划室进行备案统计;
b) 自订货代:一般适用于CIF价格条款下货物。货代由贸易策划室根据市场以及服务价格等选择决定,贸易策划室负责通知XX公司其所选定货代具体情况;
7. 货物出运:XX公司贸易部根据所定货柜尺寸以及货物实际情况编排托盘清单,并将该清单转交生产部落实。生产部在排托盘过程中发现问题须及时与贸易部进行沟通整改。发货前,贸易部需制作出货单,由XX公司负责人签字后转交仓库管理员盘点备货。对于出口货物需报检的,贸易部还需提前准备报检产品对应装箱单、发票和合同以便在货物出口报关前办理好通关单;
8. 报关:XX公司贸易部根据实际发货数量编制、准备报关单据(发票、装箱单、报关单等)后转交贸易策划室,加盖XX公司报关章、业务章、签名章后统一进行报关;
9. 开票:报关完成后,XX公司贸易部将盖章报关发票转交公司财务人员开立出口货物销售统一发票;
10. 准备议付资料:货物发运后,XX公司贸易部根据相关数据以及客户要求确认提单,并着手准备客户要求的提单、原产地证、发票、装箱单、重量单、保险单等相关议付资料;
11. 交单:贸易策划室负责收集整理公司所有议付单据,统一进行审核后,将根据付款条款及要求将交易所寄出或进行银行交单;
12. 收款:根据销售合同之付款条款和期限,XX公司贸易部应及时跟踪货款回收状况以确保后续工作的有效运行。如客房未按规定时间付款公司贸易部须及时报告主管上级;
13. 核销:贸易策划室在货物出口后,负责跟踪查询各单口岸电子信息、报关单的退回以及交单工作,并将口岸电子信息以及报关单的出口退税联转交XX公司财务室准备办理退税手续。按照国家相关法规定,公司报关单退单期限一般为3个月。XX公司贸易部根据回款和退单情况,在核销系统上将相关核销数据匹配后转交贸易策划室统一到外汇局办理核销手续,公司核销期限一般为3-6个月;
14. 退税:核销完成后,贸易策划室负责将出口收汇核销单出口退税专用联转交XX公司财务室办理退税,完成整个货物出口流程。


注册跨境电商需要准备的材料有: 1、确定公司名称:一般准备3-5个防止已被使用或者不能通过。 2、确定股东结构,可以法人独资,也可以多人合伙。 3、注册资本:现在注册公司注册资本为认缴制,可以填几十万几百万都可以,不需要实际出资到位。 4、经营范围:经营网上贸易、进出口业务等,跨境电商的经营范围非常多。 5、注册地址:在别的地方需要实际经营场地才能注册公司,但是在深圳前海自贸区可以不要,直接免费统一挂靠到“前海商务秘书公司”,又为创业者减轻了很多的经济负担。 6、公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则、公司章程(这个大部分创业者都搞不清楚怎么弄,建议找相关服务机构) 7、进出口权备案:对外贸易经营备案、海关备案、电子口岸备案。 8、产品备案:递交纸质材料,电子口岸开户申请;开设账户通过,海关审核初验;通过准备材料,海关线下复查;申报海关权限,企业平台安装客户端;海关申报备案。 我国现在的跨境电子商务模式主要有两大类:一是企业对企业(B2B)还有一种就是企业对个人(B2C)这两种。 在B2B的模式下,企业主要以发布广告信息为主,成交和一些通关的流程基本上就是在线下处理,还是传统的贸易手段, 在B2C的模式下,企业直接面对的是消费者,像淘宝、京东、亚马逊等一些跨境电商公司,主要以向个人销售消费品为主要渠道,物流的话一般用邮寄、快递、航空小包等一些,其报关主体是邮政或者快递公司等等,目前的话,很大部分都没有纳入海关登记。


很人多因为业务需求或是一些其他原因需要注册海外公司。那么海外公司具体怎么注我们就拿最常用的BVI公司举例说明一下英属维尔京群岛(BVI)简介 英属维尔京群岛(British Virgin Island)由六十个岛屿及泥质礁组成,总陆地面积五十九平方英里。它位於美国维尔京岛群岛的西北面。邻近的较大岛屿为西面相距六十英里的波多黎各。英属维尔京群岛原属联合王国(英国)的殖民地,1967年开始自治。自1984年引进国际商业公司法后,英属维尔京群岛开始建立其离岸金融中心,目前其已成为世界樶著名的离岸管辖区,在过去的十多年里已有超过290,000家公司在岛上。注册英属维尔京群岛公司(BVI)的优点1、完全保密和匿名,不需说明公司所有者,不需提交资产负债表,和统计表 不需举行股东或董事年会。2、在英属维京群岛(BVI)之外进行的商业活动和交易完全免税。3、注册手续简便、管理简单。合理的注册收费和管理收费。绝对保守商业机密。4、无樶高或樶低资本要求。5、实行樶低收费标准。6、国际商业公司可以发行任何货币形式的股票。7、国际商业公司可以在任何国家选择任何形式的货币进行任何合法商业活动和交易。8、股东可决定认购记名或匿名股票,也可以选择认购无票面价值股票。9、对股票可按揭或收费,如果愿意也可登记。10、国际商业公司准许唯一董事。11、股东、董事和职务人员可以是任何国籍和任何国家的居民。12、股东可以不是董事或职务人员。13、董事或职务人员可以是法人或自然人。14、股东和董事可在任何国家召开会议 ,并可派代理人出席。15、“有限” 一词可用于国际商业公司。16、公司帐簿和记录可以保存于世界任何地方。17、使用标准公司注册文件包括公司组织大纲和章程及注册证书因为英属维京群岛(BVI)是英国管辖地。18、公司注册文件可以西班牙文起草并带有英文翻译。


公司注册按≤公司法≥规定有两种形式:一种是两个股东或两个股东以上;另一种是一人有限公司 。 一般公司的注册程序 贸易公司: 一、起一个适合公司发展的名称; 二、租一个适合公司发展的办公窒,最少30平方以上,租期一年以上; 三、到所在区工商局办理名称预先核淮; 四、准备注册资金到银行设立临时帐户,股东是自然人必须以现金存入; 五、准备公司注册资料(公司章程股东会诀议及其它相关资料); 六、到会计师事务所出具验资报告; 六、到所在区工商局办理注册; 七、到所在区公安局办理批章手续后到店刻公章、财务章、私章; 八、到技术监督局办理企业代码卡; 九、到国税、地税办理税务登记; 十、到银行办理基本存款帐户; 十一、到国、地税指定的银行开设纳税帐户; 十二、经公安局审批后刻合同章、发票章; 十三、购买发票后,大展鸿图吧! 祝你创业成功!



版权声明:admin 发表于 2023年2月27日 上午12:35。
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