1、talk with 1)释义:与…交谈2)例句I have something to talk with you. 我有点儿事要和你谈一谈。2、talk of 1)释义:谈论,议论;谈到,说到2)例句Then why talk of love? 那么为什么还要谈论爱呢?3、talk on 1)释义:继续谈2)例句We talk on the telephone once a week. 我们一周在上交谈一次。4、talk at 1)释义:影射;对…不停地说2)例句Learn to converse with your child instead of talk at him. 请学会与你的孩子交谈,而不是只要他听话。5、talk about 1)释义:谈论某事2)例句What should we talk about? 我们该讨论些什么呢?扩展资料talk名词的用法1、small talk 1)释义:闲聊;聊天2)例句I am not a social person and stink at small talk. 我不是个喜欢社交的人,不善于和人闲聊。2、empty talk 1)释义:空话,空谈2)例句I said these are not an empty talk. 我说的这些,并不是一句空谈。3、big talk 1)释义:大话;重要的会议2)例句It would be best not to have a big talk this weekend. 它会最好地不要再这周末有大的谈话。4、sweet talk 1)释义:甜言蜜语2)例句Starts to learn sweet talk, not sincere word. 开始学会说甜言蜜语而不是心里想说的话。
在深刻的爱也比不上某些人的甜言蜜语 翻译英语
Then a profound love can compare with some sweet talk
policewoman 英[pəˈli:swʊmən] 美[pəˈlisˌwʊmən]
n. 女警察; 女警官;
[例句]He even tried to sweet-talk the policewoman who arrested him_
口字旁加上一个“爹”是嗲,拼音:diǎ。形容撒娇的声音或态度。“嗲”,读音为diǎ,在六书中属于形声字。“嗲”的基本含义为形容撒娇的声音或态度,如嗲声嗲气、嗲得很。在日常使用中,“嗲”也常做形容词,表示优异,如滋味真嗲。嗲diǎ ㄉㄧㄚˇ ◎ 形容撒娇的声音或态度:~声~气。~得很。◎ 嗲 diǎ〈形〉(1) 〈方〉∶形容撒娇的声音或姿态 [affectedly sweet;talk and act like a spoiled child]。如:嗲得很;嗲声嗲气(2) 自以为优越而表现出得意或傲慢的样子 [rever in;be proud of]侬嗲啥(3) 优异 [excellent;outstanding]滋味真嗲