
外贸动态 2年前 (2023) admin
112 0



  1、Good morning ,sir(madam)


  2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen


  3、Good evening ,miss Price


  4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ?


  5、I'm quite well ,thank you.


  6、Hs good to see you again ,sir(madam).




We are in a position to accept orders against customers samples specifying design,specifications..我们能够接受针对顾客指定设计、规格及包装要求样品的订单.(specifying分词短语做samples定语)

可以这样译的,against 是有“针对”这解释的




许多人学习商务英语口语都是一头雾水,以为网上随便找点素材背一背就能学好。殊不知商务英语口语也需要系统的学习和进阶训练。而这些光靠自学很难实现,所以参加商务英语口语培训,从长远来看是非常有助益的。 这里建议大家在选择的时候,一要挑有证的经验丰富的老师,二要挑性价比高的培训。


商务谈判是学习商务英语的必不可少的环节,下面小编为大家带来商务谈判常用英语口语,欢迎大家学习! 商务谈判英语口语1:签订合同A:Here's the draft contract,Mr. Smith. Let's discuss the clauses to see if we agree on all of them. Then I’ll make out an original of the contract. After that, what’s left is to fiut the contract and sign our names. A:史密斯先生,这是我们的合同草案。让我们讨论一下并看是否能达成协议,然后我再拟一个合同正本,最后就只剩下填合同还有我们的签名了。B:That's OK. B:好的。A:The contract Is to be written in Chinese and English. Both languages are equally effective. A:合同将有中文和英文各一份。中英文的效力是同样的。B:Fine. If you’ll excuse me, I'd like to go over it first. (After about 15 minutes)Hmm, you've done a pretty good job. It's well prepared.B:好,如果可以的话,我想先看一下。(15分钟以后),噢,挺好的。A;Thank you. A:谢谢。


On behalf of …, I’m very glad to you…

  It’s a pleasure to see you here.

  Welcome to…

  Thank you for coming all this way.

Self Introduction   Please let me introduce myself. I’m…   How do you do? My name is…   May I introduce myself? I’m…   It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is…

Third-party Introduction   It’s my pleasure to introduce you to …   I’d like to introduce you to …   A, let me introduce you to …   A, I’d like you to meet …   A, I don’t believe you’ve ever met …   This is … He’s in charge of…   He looks after…   He’s our … Director/Manager.

Offering   Let me get you a coffee.   Would you like a coffee?   Let me take your coat.

Small talk topics   Travel   How’s your flight?   How do you like our city?   Is this your first visit to…?   Did you have a good trip?   Was it easy to find here?



  A: Now we have settled the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment during September?

  -- 现在我们已经谈妥了付款条件,你方是否能够在九月份装船?

  B: I don’t think we can.

  -- 我看不行。

  A: Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment?

  -- 那么最早什么时候可以装船呢?

  B: By the middle of October, I think.

  -- 恐怕要在十月中旬。

  A: That’s too late. You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather complicated.

  -- 那太迟了。你知道,在我方市场上,十一月份是这种商品的上市季节,而我们的海关手续又相当复杂。

  B: I understand.

  -- 我明白。
