
外贸动态 2年前 (2023) admin
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Along with economic globalization development.China's international trade is also getting more and more developed.In the international trade the transnational commercial negotiations are unavoidable,therefore you must understand the entire various countries' merchant's negotiations style research.Discusses the international commerce from the cultural angle to negotiate,the analysis international commerce negotiation process,various countries merchant's negotiations style,strengthens the Chinese merchant's in international trade competitive power.
商务谈判Commercial negotiations
谈判风格Negotiations style
谈判技巧Negotiations skill
英语语用策略English language uses the strategy


There are different national and cultural differences,the international business negotiations in the cross-cultural issues,mainly through language,rituals,taboos and religious beliefs,styles reflected the negotiations.
Most of the international business negotiations to be conducted in English,the mother tongue of the two negotiating parties are often not English,which increased the difficulty of the exchange.In such circumstances,we should as far as possible with simple,clear and unequivocal English,do not use the more easily cause misunderstanding-word puns,slang,idioms.Not easy to use offensive words and phrases from each other,such as:"to tell you the truth," and "I'll be honest with you…","I will domy best.","It's none of my business but…." These words do not trust with color,worried that the other side will,to actively cooperate with us.Cross-cultural exchange is a serious defects "has been saving",that is subjective and that the other side will,in accordance with our wishes,our understanding of our habit to speak,or from the other side of the floor,we understand each other is the meaning of would like to express meaning.The most typical example is the "yes" and "no" to the use and understanding.American companies and home to a Japanese company for business negotiations.In the negotiations,the Americans are pleased to discover that,when he proposed an opinion,the other side nodded:"yes",he thought the negotiations,particularly smoothly.Until his contract demands when the Japanese shocked to discover that the "yes" is a courtesy that "I hear you" and "yes",not "I agree with you" and "yes." In fact,the "yes" is the meaning of the term is very rich,in addition to the above two,there are the "I understand the question" of the "yes" and "I'll considerate" and "yes." "No" means of expression is very complicated.Some oppose the positive cultural values conflict,it is generally not directly say "no" and use some vague expressions rejected.For example,Brazilians "somewhat difficult" to replace the "impossible" did not have the experience on the negotiations if the literal meaning to understand,will be a waste of time and delay the negotiation process.Therefore,we must try to understand each other's culture,each other's values and customs,and the only way to correct to impart and receive information.
In order to avoid misunderstanding,we can ensure that the Interpretation Act communication carried out smoothly.Interpretation of the law is to use their own words to explain the other side of it again,and the sentence and the other is our understanding is correct,this is another advantage of the other side on this issue deepened the impression.

国际贸易笔试题1一,撰写英文书信:事由:你方第456号订单 我们已接到你方4月15日来信,要求我们对第456号订单接受“付款交单”支付. 正如在谈判时我们已经说过的,货款必须以保兑的,

Dear sir, We have received your order of No. 456 in April 15, 2011, in which you required us to accepted D/P as payment terms. When we negotiation we have said , the payment must be confirm, irrevo...




Successful Business Negotiations How to determine the evaluation criteria,people recognize the problem of the existence of some differences.Standard negotiating practice of shaping the negotiations to...




商务谈判的十个策略,让你决胜谈判桌!  1、知己知彼  在进入谈判桌之前,一定要花一些时间来了解个人,做好充分的准备。这有助于谈判过程中避免出现的情绪,始终保持头脑冷静,以达到双赢的结论。  2、掌握说话的基本功,提升表达力  商务谈判和其他谈判一样,最基本的技巧是共通的,美国著名谈判高手波顿曾专门为商务人士总结了四条谈判原则:精确地、清楚地发出你的每一个音节;保持诚挚的态度;灵活地改变语速、变化音高、调整音量;避免“词语造作”。  3、以退为进,巧妙掌握谈判的主动权  商务谈判中,以退为进是一种很好的话术技巧和策略,退的一方有时看起来是失败了,可事实上却只是口头上退,或者暂时性的退,目的是为了更好的前进,是为了彻底掌控主动权,是为了获取更大的利益。  4、请将不如激将,谈判中要巧用激将法  商务谈判中,巧妙使用激将法往往会使对方在不知不觉间顺着你的思路走,起到“请君入瓮”的效果,使谈判向你想要的方向走。不过,激将法用不好,也有很大的反面效果,所以,要根据具体情况灵活运用。 5、注意商业谈判中的说话禁忌  根据商务谈判的特点和实践经验,其说话禁忌有这么几点忌讳:一忌欺、诈、隐、骗;二忌盛气凌人;三忌道听途说;四忌攻击过猛;五忌含糊不清;六忌以我为主;七 忌枯燥呆板。  6、找到对方兴趣点  找到对方兴趣点,多考虑对方利益。提醒对方这笔交易对他们有多大的帮助。并提出你能做到的东西。如果他们对所获得的东西感到兴奋并理解您认为这是公平的,那么他们会更热衷于同意这些条款。  7、据理力争,逼迫对方做出最大让步  “只要真理在手,就据理力争,坚决地用真理来保护自己的利益”,这是以“世界第一商人”犹太人在商务谈判上总结的核心法则之一。  8、不要轻易亮出底牌  对手对你的动机,权限以及最后期限知道得越少越好,但尽可能了解对手这方面的资料。  9、善于对付谈判中的诡辩  谈判尤其是商务谈判,是一个很正式的事情,但因为牵扯到利益,所以,遇到对手诡辩也是比较常见的事情。从根本上来说,对付诡辩技巧的最佳方法,是掌握好辩证逻辑的思维,以客观性、具体性、历史性这三个原则,认清其诡辩本质,然后加以正确的应对。  10、要有耐性  不要期望对方立即接受你的新构想。坚持、忍耐,对方或许终将接纳你的意见。
