
外贸动态 2年前 (2023) admin
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简单将常用的国际贸易术语分两类:价格术语:经常被称交易的术语 ,主要描述分险划分和价格构成。CIF, FOB,CIP,LDP,DDU,DDP最常用的价格术语是CIF, FOB。从价格构成和风险划分两个维度分析,很容易记住它们。Tip: 建议多用CIF,这样更安全,更有价格和利润空间。后面三种,除非是自己的海外公司,否则,呵呵,不要尝试。付款的术语:故名思义,表示交易付款的。主要包括两大类:电汇和信用证,主要术语有T/T 电汇, D/P (document against payment ,付款交单)D/A ( document against acceptance, 承兑交单,后面跟具体时间,如D/A 90 days )O/A( Open account ,赊销,可以规定赊销时间跨度。如O/A 180 days,务必保险介入 )L/C ( 即期信用证:L/C at sigt和远期信用证:L/C at sight ) Tip:上述付款,可以组合,如30% T/T, 余款L/C (at sight or after sight ). 付款是谈判的核心内容之一。也是外贸人员的业务水平的衡量指标。That's all , Wish you lucky !


承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,简写 D/A ), D/P ( documents against payment):经济贸易交易中付款的一种, O/A(Open Account)赊销。付款交单,D/P ( documents against payment):经济贸易交易中付款的一种。是出口人的交单以进口人的付款为条件,即出口人将汇票连同货运单据交给银行托收时,指示银行只有在进口人付清货款时,才能交出货运单据。按支付时间的不同,付款交单又分为即期付款交单(D/P sight)和远期付款交单(D/P after sight). 承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,简写 D/A )是指出口人的交单以进口人在汇票上承兑为条件。即出口人在装运货物后开具远期汇票,连同商业单据,通过银行向进口人提示,进口人承兑汇票后,代收银行即将商业单据交给进口人,在汇票到期时,方履行付款义务。由于承兑交单是进口人只要在汇票上办理承兑之后,即可取得商业单据,凭以提取货物。所以,承兑交单只适用于远期汇票的托收。O/A(Open Account)赊销。


在国际贸易中,由卖方办理手续并支付运费的贸易术语是:CFR、CPT, 由卖方班里保险并承担保险费的是:CIF、CIP。


FCA,Free carrier,货交承运人。这是一种常用的贸易术语,不是付款条件。意为卖方在指定地点将货物交给买方指定的承运人,即完成交货。


我把INCOTERMS2000中关于你方要求予以回答:Ex works: This term thus represents the minimum obligation for the seller, and tile buyer has to bear all costs and risks involved m taking the goods from the seller's premises.买方承担运费和风险"Free Carrier" means that the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place. If delivery occurs at the seller's premises, the seller is responsible for loading. If delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is not responsible for unloading.买方承担运费和风险.“Free Alongside Ship" means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that moment 买方承担运费和风险Free on Board" means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship's rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship's rail, the FCA term should he used.买方承担运费和风险EXW条件和DDP条件下由买方和卖方租船 一般合同订立方不确定 一般双方都参与拟定。


LC是一种国际贸易中所到的付款,是LETTER OF CREDIT的简称,就是经常谈到的信用证。信用证是指开证行依照申请人的申请开出的,凭符合信用证条款的单据支付的付款凭证,信用证是不可撤销的跟单信用证,是用于国际贸易货款支付的信用证结算


DP是国际贸易中常用的一种付款,英文"DOCOMENT AGAINST PAYMENT",意思是卖方安排出货后,将全套货运单据,通过托收行寄往指定的代收行,代收行在买方付清全部货款后将全套货运单据放给买方提货。

求写一封外贸函电,write a letter stating the following particulars 请不要机器语言~有时对不上~1.十一月十二日来函收到,获悉你方友谊在贵国推销我们的自行车.对此,我们非常感兴趣.2.对你方为推销自

Dear Sirs,
Well received your email dated 12th Nov.and we are so glad to know that you are push our bicycle in your market.
We are much appreciate all your effort to sale our product,but we are unable to consider your request for payment by D/A 60days.our usual practice is L/C at sight.
However,In order to promote our bicycles in your market,we are willing to accept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.we hope this payment term is acceptable for you.
Look forward to hear from you soon.
Best regards

版权声明:admin 发表于 2023年2月25日 上午7:23。
转载请注明:国际贸易中付款方式有几种(国际贸易常见付款方式) | 外贸跨境电商导航网站
